The Healing Method of Muhummed

The Healing Method of Muhummed
Written by: Alifia Afflatus

Many people had believe in modern medication to heal sore. And some of them, don`t know that a simple sore-healing method was practiced since the era of Rasulullah, Muhummed. Yes, Rasulullah teached the easy, simple, spend no money, and guaranteed. Beside that, if we use the method, we have done the method of Muhummed. 

A hadith explained us: "When someone grumbled his sore, Rasulullah touched the soil with his finger and put it on that man`s sore. He (Rasulullah) said: "In the name of Allah, with our ground, with saliva of some of us, hopefully could heal some of us, in the permission of our Rabb."" (HR Bukhari and Moslem.)

Imam An Nawawi explained in his Moslem sermon, what Muhummed had do was wetting his hand with saliva and touch it on the ground that we knew, the soil would sticked on his finger, then he used the saliva and the soil to heal the sore. And followed by uttering the invocation to Allah:

"In the name of Allah, with our ground, with saliva of some of us, hopefully could heal some of us, in the permission of our Rabb." That is.

After learned this hadith, the writer could believe that this is true. Why? This sore-healing method certainly guaranteed. 
Why guaranteed?

The answer looks reasonable: because this method had teached by Rasulullah, Muhummed. Definitely every Moslem must believe in Rasulullah. And Rasulullah never teached us perfunctory thing. 
The world must have been trying this method too. Because we see that after FASEB examined this hadith...

Saliva involves in healing the sore.

How can they determined this result?

Saliva contained histatin or the small protein that believed able to cure sore: Whether it`s fester, schorch or the sore caused by diabetes. Besides that, saliva involves in killing germs. Histatin worked as a sore-ointment, antibiotic-ointment and alcohol. 
Besides histatin, there are electrolit, calsium, calium, mucosal, anti-bacterial compound, natrium, amylase enzym, etc.

Now, the readers knew the benefits of saliva. How about the soil on the ground?

The microbiology proffesor in Sana`a university, Yaman, examined. Soil contained beneficial microba which able to fertillize the soil, help the plants in absorbing fertillizer and nitrogen, and also killing unicellular microba which caused disease. 

"Arghhh it`s giving advantage for plants! We are human!!!" 

Anybody says that? Now let`s see, Allah SWT created human of the ground. 

Imam Nawawi continued, soil may heal the sore if the ground`s still unpolluted. 


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